The Student Health clinic is available to students who wish to check their temperature.
If you notice changes in your health, to include the onset of a fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat or loss of taste or smell, contact Student Health (308-865-8218) to schedule an in-person consultation or by appointment through telemedicine.
If you believe you have been exposed, you can contact your health care provider or Student Health. Close contact exposure occurs when an individual was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic individuals, 2 days prior to a positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. As long a face masks are worn and 6 feet of physical distancing is maintained, being in the same room as someone who tests positive does not constitute a close contact.
Where can I get tested? If after contacting your health provider (or Student Health) and identifying you need to get tested for COVID -19, our Student Health medical professionals can guide you on testing options. If testing is recommended, you can obtain a test at the Student Health clinic on campus.
I’ve tested positive:
Students: Contact Student Health for guidance on next steps. Refrain from attending class and inform you professor/instructor that you will be out sick. You do not have to disclose that you have tested positive.
Faculty/Staff: Contact Student Health for guidance on next steps. Refrain from coming to campus. Inform your immediate supervisor that you will be out sick.
Detailed and updated information regarding who should quarantine and isolate and for how long can be found on the CDC website.